08 August 2012

Seeing "Red"

After several years, Jonathan Logan's "Red" has finally made it's way to Los Angeles and we are lucky enough to have Alfred Molina and Jonathan Groff in their original roles as Mark Rothko and his estute, studio assistant, Ken. This Cranky Gallery Girl can't rave enough about this fantastic production. The writing, acting and staging are all stellar, well worthy of all the accolades and awards it has received in London and on Broadway.

Set in Rothko's studio, the play sets out to raise questions about art history, the art market, collectors and most importantly what we expect from a painting, and what is the role of the viewer? With what has been going on in Los Angeles in recent times, these questions are as relevant today as when Rothko was wrestling with them in the mid 1950s.  The dialogue between these two characters lingered with me like,well... a beautiful (did I just use that word) Rothko painting.

You can read the LA Times rave here: http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/arts/culture/la-et-cm-0814-red-review-20120814,0,2581031.story

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